Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lizzy and Darcy

Oh my god! I just heard that my Lizzy is engaged to Mr. Darcy! Who would have thought that those two would end up together? I am happy for them and I wish my sister the best of luck. I only hope that she is marring him for love and not status. I know that my father has approved their union and in time my mother will too. This past year has been crazy and I can only hope for better years to come for all of us.


  1. Jane, I can assure that I am marrying for love. I am filled with happiness. I believe I am more happy than you if that is possible. I wish you much joy in your marriage to Bingley.

  2. Thank you for the kind words Jane, but may I reassure you that our marriage was completely out of love, and love only. Status is just an added bonus. I am sure that all of your family will eventually realize what a nice guy I can be. Also, I wish Bingley and you the best of luck.
