Sunday, April 8, 2012

...Lady Catherine

Lizzy has told me that Lady Catherine had come specifically to see her. I was trying to get her to tell me more of there conversation but she seamed hesitant. I hope that everything is alright. I don't know what could have been said to make her so standoffish towards me. We are normally so close. I hope that I didn't  do anything to upset Lizzy, I couldn't imagine what that would have been though. Perhaps the conversation had something to do with Mr. Darcy. I have noticed that they seem to get along well these days.

1 comment:

  1. Do not worry about me, Jane. I can handle myself with that Lady Catherine. It seems as though she thinks she run my life. Well, she can't. Do not feel bad that I didn't tell you more. I just don't want you worrying.
