Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lizzy and Darcy

Oh my god! I just heard that my Lizzy is engaged to Mr. Darcy! Who would have thought that those two would end up together? I am happy for them and I wish my sister the best of luck. I only hope that she is marring him for love and not status. I know that my father has approved their union and in time my mother will too. This past year has been crazy and I can only hope for better years to come for all of us.

Letter from Collins

Lizzy was called into the library by father. Later I talked to her and asked what it was about. She told me that father had received a letter from Mr. Collins about her and Mr. Darcy. I guess some one had told him that Lizzy and Darcy were engaged to be married. Haha can you imagine that? My Lizzy marring Mr. Darcy. I couldn't find a more ill suited match if I tried. No offence to them but I know that Lizzy and Darcy have never gotten along all that well. Father was happy to think that a man with Darcy's status would be interested in his Lizzy.

...Lady Catherine

Lizzy has told me that Lady Catherine had come specifically to see her. I was trying to get her to tell me more of there conversation but she seamed hesitant. I hope that everything is alright. I don't know what could have been said to make her so standoffish towards me. We are normally so close. I hope that I didn't  do anything to upset Lizzy, I couldn't imagine what that would have been though. Perhaps the conversation had something to do with Mr. Darcy. I have noticed that they seem to get along well these days.

Oh my Gosh!!!

Today was amazing!!! I got to talking with Mr. Bingly and things went great! He explained that he had not come to visit me because he had not hear that I was in town! I am sure that his sisters had a good reason not to tell him of my arrival but in any case I am not the least bit upset. He proposed! Finlay!!! I can not wait to share the news with every one! I know mother will be thrilled.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bingly! and other news

Mr. Bingly has returned to town with Mr. Darcy. I can not get my hopes up about this. I do not know if my heart can suffer another blow as bad as the last one. Poor Lizzy! Dear mother seams to have unintentionally embarrassed her. I am glad she feels for Darcy and I wish her the best of luck in getting him back. I only hope she can allow herself to marry him. I do not want to be the one to stand in the way of her happiness when I know that she is only doing if for my sake.


I have just come into the knowledge that Wickham has only agreed to marry my sister on one condition. He wants my father to pay him a small amount of money. I cant help but wonder if this was his plan all along...but why would anyone go to such lengths for such little money. I suppose I could be wrong for saying that, perhaps he intends to use the money to pay for the wedding or to provide for my sister. I guess only time will tell.


A letter from Mr. Gardiner has arrived today. He  has found Lydia and Wickham. Thank goodness she is alright. I have learned that they aren't married but they will be soon. This is all I know at the moment but it is enough to make me sleep a little easier at night.