Sunday, March 25, 2012

What was Lydia thinking?!

In all of her years, I have never seen her do something so sneaky. I cant help but wonder if she gave this matter any thought at all before she ran away with Wickham. I feel so guilty! If only I had been honest with everyone and told them all I knew about him. This whole situation is my fault! No matter how rash a person Lydia can be, she would never have ran off with him if she knew the whole truth. However, I do not know Wickham well enough to judge him, I only know of what Mr. Darcy has said about his character. Perhaps  he has actually fallen for her and they live happily ever after. I only hope that my young sister is alright.

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree. Lydia's actions were completely irrational and unexpected. How could she fall for a man so despicable as Wickham?
