Sunday, March 25, 2012

What was Lydia thinking?!

In all of her years, I have never seen her do something so sneaky. I cant help but wonder if she gave this matter any thought at all before she ran away with Wickham. I feel so guilty! If only I had been honest with everyone and told them all I knew about him. This whole situation is my fault! No matter how rash a person Lydia can be, she would never have ran off with him if she knew the whole truth. However, I do not know Wickham well enough to judge him, I only know of what Mr. Darcy has said about his character. Perhaps  he has actually fallen for her and they live happily ever after. I only hope that my young sister is alright.

Miss Bingly...

Poor Lizzy! I can not believe that after all that has happened Miss Bingly is still acting so distastefully. I hope she knows that she is only driving Mr. Darcy further away from herself and closer to Lizzy. Perhaps she does know that and it is all part of some sort of scheme...I do not take her for a fool, in fact I think she is a rather clever girl. Hopefully she is acting this way out of good will.

Lizzy saw Mr. Bingly?

Dear Lizzy, I hear that Mr. Bingly is at Pemberly. How is he? Did he ask about me? When you get home we have a lot to talk about. I hope that him and his family are all doing okay. Even though he has rejected me I can not hold it against him, he took some bad advise and I hope he knows I do not wish harm on him. Please tell him that Lizzy.

Lizzy regrets it?

Dear Lizzy, please forgive my opinion but in the way you have begun to describe Pemberly, it almost sounds as if you regret your decision not to marry Darcy. I am sure this cant be the case. You of all people surely would not marry someone because they have a great house. I am sure Mr. Darcy has many wonderful quality's and will make some one a wonderful husband someday, I just hope it is for some one who is a smart match for him.

Lizzy at pemberly

Dear Lizzy, I hate to here that you aren't having any fun on your trip to Pemberly. Please know that I miss you too. Enjoy your time away from the house because I you know it will always be here waiting for you and so will I. I here that the place is quite beautiful and the Gardiners are good company. I am sorry that I cant be there but you know that I am only a letter away if you need me.

Ahh Lydia... So young

Dear sweet Lydia, Some day you will realize that if your biggest worry is the military leaving than you lead a charmed life. I understand that you are still very young and it may seem like the end of the world today but by next week you probably wont even remember they were here. Maybe you just need something to get your mind off it, a trip perhaps with mom and dad. In any case I assure you that it will all be alright in the end if you just let them go.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dear diary

How could Wickam have acted in such a manner? I do not believe that I will ever understand his reasoning but I suppose we all do things we regret. I do sincerely hope that he regrets his actions if not for propriety's sake than for the sake of being a better man. Lizzy and I have decided to keep his indiscretions a secret as to not damage his reputation any further.

dear Lizzy

I am sorry to hear that you have not found your time at Lady Catherine's house to be pleasant. Although, I am glad that you will be returning home soon. I cant wait to see you. We have so much to talk about. Until then, travel safely.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shocking information

I was disheartened to read in my daily letter from Lizzy that Mr. Darcy is the one responsible for Ms. Binglys leaving of Netherfield Park. I am sure that such a reasonable man as Darcy would have valid reasons for doing such a thing and I can only hope that I will get the opportunity to ask him what those reasons may have been. Also, Mr. Darcy has proposed to Lizzy and from what I understand he must have been quite nervous about it because the poor thing royally messed the whole thing up. I can not say that I am proud of Lizzy for turning him down and i sincerely hope that I had nothing to do with her decision. I only wish for her happiness and Mr. Darcys as well.

Interesting incounters at Rosings

I received another letter from dear Lizzy today. I do not intend to scandalize her but tell of the odd interaction with Mr. Darcy. She has informed me that he had come to the house while no one else was there due to a misunderstanding of who would be there that day. He stayed for a little while and tried to make conversation politely and when the room fell silent he picked up the paper end started to read then without saying a word, got up and left. Lizzy thinks he just stayed to make her feel uncomfortable but I am cretin that it was out of respect and the lack of anything else to do.

The visiters at Rosings

Today I received a letter from Lizzy. Shes has told me that Mr. Colonel Fitzwilliam has expressed some interest with her and she isn't sure how she feels about it. I for one hope that eventually he will act upon these feelings and perhaps propose to Lizzy. She has also told me that Mr. Darcy has been acting a bit odd lately. Apparently they spent some time bickering back and forth but I am sure that it was not without cause. I do hope that Mr. Darcy is alright and that what ever has possessed him to act this way is not serious.

Lizzys adventures at Rosings

I am glad to here from recent letters that Lizzy is haveing a good time at Rosings. She tells me that she enjoys going on walks to pass the time. It must be beautifull there, from the way she describes it the serenity far surpasses the atmosphere back at home. Shes told me that Darcy has visited abd brought a friend with him. Mr. Colonel Fitzwilliam was described to be extreamly affable and well mannered. I hope i get to meet him some day.